US slammed over Venezuelan presidential plane seizure


The United States is globally being condemned for hijacking Venezuelan presidential jet as highest level of piracy and thuggery of the century

JOHANNESBURG, (CAJ News) – THE United States’ seizure of a plane used by Venezuelan President Nicola Maduro has come under severe criticism on social media platforms, with mostly ordinary people condemning the actions of the so-called global champions of rule of law, human rights and democracy.

Social media was all agog on Monday as global people hit out at the US’ unprovoked ‘theft’ of the Venezuelan aircraft in the Dominican Republic on Monday.

The US Justice Department said they seized the plane as its purchase violated US sanctions, among other crimes.

The drama came amid continuing pressure on Maduro over the contested July 28 election, which he claims to have won, but the opposition thinks otherwise.

Glenn Diesen, a professor and editor, reacted: “The increasingly rogue US government has stolen the plane of Venezuelan President Maduro in the Dominican Republic, and flew it to Florida.”

One Chrysanthemums said: “When will the world governments start sanctioning the US? Something must change,” while an anti-Zionism American, Rafeek Adams, commented: “They (American leadership) have literally lost their marbles. We are governed by a bunch of thugs in suits! God help us!”

Carlos Alzugaray said: “This is not an individual’s private plane. It is a plane owned by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. What if someone seized Air Force One (US presidential plane). Would you call it Joe Biden’s plane?”

Anna Boylon observed: “Those who run the US empire behave like silly adolescents. They were unable to topple Maduro, so they took petty, childish revenge. They reveal themselves to the world with such pathetic actions.”

James McClurg remarked: “Shocking criminal brazenness. In the past, empire managers were careful about the world’s perception of the empire’s callous ruthlessness. Now, the empire managers are conspicuously criminal, sloppy, careless, tactless, and increasingly drunk on hubris.”

Rebel_Afrika declared: “The leaders of the USA are thugs and gangsters,” while Lewis H Perkins weighed in: “USA has become a self righteous dictatorial empire, the usual signs of decay and demise.”

George Paul said: “Could you please stop stealing other people’s property?”

Johan Rothberg bemoaned: “The world is turning upside down. Russia is becoming a vibrant free market economy while the US has developed into a police and surveillance state far worse than the former Soviet Union.”

James Bailey said: “This is more evidence America is actively destabilizing Venezuela . . . to incite violence against a democratically elected president for the sake of Chevron’s total control of its oil fields.”

The Venezuelan government said in a statement that the seizure was “nothing but piracy”, illegal and repeated criminal practice by the US.

– CAJ News

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