SA the world’s most dangerous country to drive


South Africa is the world's most dangerous place to drive in

from DION HENRICK in Cape Town
Western Cape Bureau
CAPE TOWN, (CAJ News) – SOUTH Africa has emerged among the world’s most dangerous countries to drive.

This is according to Zutobi, a leading international driver’s education company, which has recently released its latest report on the “World’s Safest Roads.”

South Africa is rated the worst, ahead of Thailand and the United States (US) in second and third respectively.

South Africa has an estimated road traffic death rate of 22,2 deaths per 100 000 population.

It also has the highest rate of alcohol related road traffic deaths at 57,5 percent.

Norway is rated the safest country to drive in, ahead of Hungary and Iceland.

Norway has an estimated road traffic death rate of 22,2 deaths per 100 000 population.

Zutobi analysed countries across the world based on indicators including motorway speed limits, blood alcohol concentration limits for drivers and road traffic death rates, to determine the world’s safest and most dangerous countries to drive.

– CAJ News

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