Flood-plagued Kenya devises mobile money scheme


Kenya mobile money

from MARIA MACHARIA in Nairobi, Kenya
Kenya Bureau
NAIROBI, (CAJ News) – KENYA is to implement a multi-purpose mobile money cash transfer (UCs) scheme amid a flood crisis that has left hundreds dead and thousands displaced.

The Kenya Cash Consortium (KCC) is driving the project.

This is in response to the humanitarian needs of the flood-affected areas in Baringo, Garissa, Marsabit and Tana River counties.

Baseline data was collected between January 21 and 27.

“This baseline sought to determine the households’ income and expenditure patterns, food consumption, and coping strategies before the first cash transfer in February 2024,” said a spokesperson.

Kenya is impacted by floods that have left hundreds dead.

This is blamed on climate change as the country reels from the worst drought in 40 years.

– CAJ News

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