Ethiopia the deadliest country for aid workers


United Nations (UN) aid workers performing their duties

from ADANE BIKILA in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
ADDIS ABABA, (CAJ News) AT least 92 aid workers have been killed around the world since the beginning of the year.

Most of the humanitarians (21) have been killed in Ethiopia, where conflict began in the northern Tigray region at the end of 2020.

Ten aid workers were killed and seven others arrested in the East African country.

Insecurity Insight disclosed the figures, which are for the period January 1 to September 30.

Overall, 90 workers were kidnapped and 99 arrested in the countries covered by Insecurity Insight.

The report covers Afghanistan, Central African Republic (CAR), Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Mali, Myanmar, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

Data was compiled from local, national and international news outlets as well as online databases.

Mali had the highest number of kidnappings, with 44 aid workers abducted.

Myanmar made the highest number of arrests, with 48 humanitarians apprehended.

– CAJ News




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