Victoria Falls devises post pandemic strategies


Victoria Falls municipal city, Zimbabwe

from DANIEL JONES in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe Bureau
VICTORIA FALLS, (CAJ News) – VICTORIA Falls is crafting a three-year strategic plan to re-positioning the resort city into a destination of choice post the COVID-19 pandemic.

Various stakeholders in the city have formed a destination management steering committee with that objective.

Ngqabutho Moyo, Victoria Falls City Council Marketing and Economic Director, is the destination management steering committee chair.

Five sub-committees have been set-up under the steering committee to oversee strategies towards revitalising the destination, Shelly Cox, coordinator of We Are Victoria Falls initiative, said.

These are destination strategy, vision and planning, inclusion and sharing benefits, marketing and experience development, destination improvement, infrastructure, pressure points and visitor experience, and the access and connectivity committee.

During the destination management and air access stakeholder meeting in July, people signed up for the different committees.

“This is to volunteer time, energy and ideas to this working group which will be important in ensuring the destination management partnership is a success,” said Cox.

The sub committees have since started holding meetings to strategise and feed into a grand strategy for the destination.

“There is need for a three-year destination management plan and the working groups will identify and design the relevant activities. This is an inclusive process and everyone is welcome,” Cox added.

Tourism was the hardest hit of all economic sectors by the global pandemic and efforts are being made to revitalize the sector.

– CAJ News

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