SASSA Grants Increases 2023. Minister of Finance Enoch Godongwana announced changes to SASSA social grants in on Wednesday 22 February 2023 for the 2023/2024 Financial year budget.“R66 billion is allocated to Social Development over the medium term, with R36 billion to fund the extension of the COVID-19 Social Relief of Distress [SRD] grant until 31 March 2024. R30 billion will be used for inflation-linked increases for other social grants,” Godongwana said.
The increases effective April 2023 are as follows
- Old Age Grant will increase from R1985 to R2085
- Old Age Grant for those over the age of 75 will increase to R2105
- War Veterans Grants increase to some R2105 from R2005
- Disability will increase R2085
- The Foster care grant increases to R1125
- Care dependency Grants increase to R2085 from R1985
- Child support grants increase by 5.2% to R505
- Grant-in-aid increase R505 – up by 5.2%
- SRD grant will remain R350
The Child and old age grants constitute largest proportion of the SASSA grants budget at almost 70%.
“In 2023/24…R400 million is allocated to the South African Social Security Agency to administer it. Government is still considering alternative options to provide appropriate social protection for the working-age population that can replace or complement the current grant.
“Funds spent on the grant are lower than projected in 2022/23 due to improved means testing,” the department said.