EU donates aid for Tanzania flood victims


European Union headquarters

from ALLOYCE KIMBUNGA in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
Tanzania Bureau
DAR-ES-SALAAM, (CAJ News) – FLOOD-PRONE Tanzania is set to receive €100,000 from the European Union (EU) with a view to address immediate challenges encountered by more than 85,000 people displaced by flooding and landslides.

The EU’s emergency funding is part of humanitarian support, which the Tanzanian Red Cross Society (TRCS) has been providing to the people affected by the floods.

The EU announced on Wednesday that the funding would go a long way in alleviating suffering of the affected people in Morogoro, Mbeya, Kilimanjaro, Geita, Dar es Salaam, Manyara, Coast regions, and Zanzibar.

The EU pointed out that the released funding would be channelled towards mitigating challenges of the most vulnerable members of Tanzanian society while ensuring the financial assistance saves lives and provides emergency relief.

Among other solutions the funding would address include provision of tarpaulins and tents to the affected households.

Tanzania is an east African nation mostly affected by the monsoon rains, with the current situation exacerbated by Cyclone Hidaya in early May.

Years of drought, which hardened the soil, have also compounded the effects of the rains, increasing the impact of the flooding.

– CAJ News

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