Finance boost for Africa’s Great Green Wall


International Fund for Agricultural Development

JOHANNESBURG, (CAJ News) THE Green Climate Fund (GCF) and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) are scaling up action to improve life for millions of people and restore ecosystems in Africa’s Great Green Wall (GGW).

GGW covers 11 countries from Senegal and Mali in the West to Ethiopia and Djibouti in the east.

At the request of Sahelian Ministers in September 2020, IFAD and other GCF accredited entities will submit projects for funding consideration by the GCF’s Board, under this new GGW Umbrella Programme (GGW Up).

IFAD and other GCF accredited entities will also submit projects and programmes to the GCF Board, which together will aim to leverage up to a total of US$1 billion in multi-partner resources for the GGW in 2021 and 2022.

Project activities will aim to restore ecosystems and tackle the interlinked issues of climate change, job creation, poverty alleviation, food security and peacebuilding.

Yannick Glemarec, the Executive Director of the Green Climate Fund, psaid the programme would boost climate adaptation and resilience of millions of people, as well as supporting local ecosystems and biodiversity.

“GCF is committed to scaling up the efforts of Sahelian countries to establish and develop the Great Green Wall, combating the effects of drought, deforestation and climate change,” Glemarec said.

Although IFAD is a new partner to the GGW initiative, it brings 40 years of experience working with vulnerable rural populations in the Sahel and
a proven track record of greening Sahelian areas, with ongoing investments amounting to $480 million in the GGW area.

“IFAD is determined to help rural populations in the Sahel build dignified lives,” said Gilbert Houngbo, President of IFAD.

IFAD is the United Nations agency dedicated to eradicating rural poverty and hunger.

– CAJ News















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