from OBERT SIAMILANDU in Kariba, Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe Bureau
KARIBA, (CAJ News) – BY signing the memorandum of understanding on the Lower Zambezi Mana Pools Trans-frontier Conservation Area (LOZAMAP TFCA), Zambia and Zimbabwe have restated a commitment to wildlife conservation targets of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) regional bloc.
The agreement enhances the implementation of the SADC Protocol on Wildlife Conservation and Law Enforcement of 1999.
Zimbabwe’s Minister of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality industry, Nqobizitha Mangaliso Ndhlovu, said the LOZAMAP TFCA programme provides huge opportunities and space for the implementation of the provisions of the SADC treaty with focus on cooperation and integration through joint planning and implementation of specific biodiversity conservation, law enforcement, investment, eco-tourism, business development programmes and projects.
He was addressing delegates at the signing of the MoU in Zimbabwe.
“This new TFCA Development initiative also provides more tools for us to meet our obligations towards the attainment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” Ndlovu said.
The agreement, he said, also creates and provides building blocks for the two SADC member states to forge closer partnerships in their quest for success as they implement various provisions of the several Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) like the Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Fauna And Flora (CITES), Convention on Conservation of Migratory Species (CMS) and the Protocol on Shared Water Courses that Zambia and Zimbabwe are signatories.
Zambia Minister of Tourism, Rodney Sikumba, said, “This achievement today will inevitably promote peace and stability, ensure the sustainable utilisation of natural resources, provide economic development opportunities through nature-based tourism as well as address food and nutrition security as recognized by the SADC – TFCA framework.”
The objectives of the TFCA are to secure and guarantee the long-term sustainable management and utilisation of the environment and natural resources.
Zambia and Zimbabwe are already collaborating in several existing programmes, including the Kavango Zambezi and Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Zambia Transfrontier Conservation Areas, joint energy development and power generation on the Zambezi River, Water Resources Conservation and Management on the shared Lake Kariba.
– CAJ News