Mediation resolves issues in SA internet industry


Internet Service Providers of South Africa (ISPA), Sasha Booth-Beharilal

JOHANNESBURG, (CAJ News) – THE Internet Services Providers of South Africa (ISPA) believes the fact that 90 percent of disputes lodged with it by consumers are resolved through the mediation process is one of the most compelling reasons to join the organisation.

ISPA is a 235-member industry representative body (IRB) whose Code of Conduct it says holds members to a high standard.

A zero-cost process exists to help escalate unresolved consumer-related challenges such as billing disputes and contractual issues.

ISPA chair, Sasha Booth-Beharilal, said less than 5 percent of consumer disputes lodged with ISPA go to formal adjudication.

“The overwhelming majority are resolved informally through the sterling efforts of the ISPA Secretariat which works hard to achieve win-win outcomes for consumers and ISPA members.”

“Effective dispute resolution that costs the parties nothing is exceptionally rare and the ISPA mediation process is highly-valued by long-standing ISPA members,” Booth-Beharilal added.

From 168 small, medium and large internet and access providers in February 2015, ISPA membership in February 2024 now stands at some 235 firms who have committed themselves to upholding the Code of Conduct.

– CAJ News

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