Driving License Codes in South Africa

In South Africa, driving licenses adhere to the European unified driving license system, classified into four main categories. Familiarizing yourself with these codes is essential for legal and safe driving.

Driver’s License Codes

CodeVehicle TypeDescriptionOld Code
AMotorcyclesFor scooters, tricycles, and quadricycles above 125 cc.02, 03, 016
A1MotorcyclesFor electronic cars or motorcycles with an engine < 125 cc.01
BLight Motor VehiclesAuthorizes driving goods vehicles, mini-buses, or special cars with GVM < 3,500 kg (trailer < 750 kg GMV).08
B5Light Motor VehiclesFor operating tractors with no mass limit.05
B7Light Motor VehiclesAuthorizes operating mobile machinery without a mass limit.07
CHeavy Motor VehiclesPermits driving vehicles in Code B and goods vehicles, buses, or special cars with 3,500 < GVM < 16,000 kg (trailer < 750 kg GMV).11
C1Heavy Motor VehiclesAllows driving vehicles in Code B and goods vehicles, buses, or special cars with 3,500 < GVM < 16,000 kg (trailer < 750 kg GMV).10
C14Heavy Motor VehiclesAuthorizes driving buses with GVM > 16,000 kg.10
EBCombinations of VehiclesAllows driving vehicles in Code B and articulated vehicles with GCM < 3,500 kg and a rigid vehicle with GVM < 3,500 kg while drawing a trailer > 750 kg GMV.8
EC1Combinations of VehiclesPermits driving vehicles in Code B, C1, and EB, operating articulated vehicles with GCM < 16,000 kg, and driving a rigid vehicle with 3,500 < GVM < 16,000 kg while pulling a trailer > 750 kg GMV.09, 10
ECCombinations of VehiclesAuthorizes driving vehicles in Code B, C1, C, EB, and EC1, operating articulated vehicles with GCM > 16,000 kg, and driving a rigid vehicle with GVM > 16,000 kg while pulling a trailer > 750 kg GMV.11, 13, 14

Professional Driving Permit (PrDP) Categories

For operating vehicles for income, a PrDP is required, categorized as follows:

GAuthorizes driving goods vehicles (non-dangerous goods) and breakdown vehicles.
PAllows operating Group G vehicles, driving buses (12 passengers or less), taxis, and any other car with up to 12 passengers.
DPermits driving Group P and G vehicles and cars carrying dangerous goods.

Learners Driving License Categories

For learners, licenses are categorized into three groups:

1Authorizes driving motorcycles.
2Allows operating light motor vehicles of up to 3,500 GVM.
3Permits operating heavy motor vehicles.

Driver’s License Age Limits in SA

Understanding the age limits for different types of vehicles is crucial:

AgeType of Vehicle
16Motorcycle up to 125 cc.
18Motorcycle above 125 cc.
17Learner’s license for light vehicles (code 2).
18PrDP to carry goods only (G).
21PrDP to carry passengers (P).
25PrDP to carry dangerous goods (D).
18All other driver’s licenses.

Additional Information

Different Codes on a Driving License

Explaining the new and old codes:

New CodeCar TypeDescriptionOld Code
A1CyclesMotorcycles up to 125 cc without a sidecar (Code 01).01
A1CyclesElectrically powered cars (Code 06).06
A1CyclesMotorcycles, tricycles, and quadricycles above 125 cc without a sidecar (Code 02, 03, and 016).02, 03, 016
BLightweight vehiclesGoods vehicles (non-articulated) and buses up to 3,500 GMV (trailer up to 750 kg GMV), motor cars, motor homes, or special cars up to 3,500 kg tares (trailer up to 750 kg GMV) (Code 08).08
B5Lightweight vehiclesTractor (without mass limit) (Code 05).05
B7Lightweight vehiclesMobile machinery (without mass limit) (Code 07).07
C1Heavy motor vehiclesGoods vehicles and buses with 3,500 to 16,000 GMV (trailer up to 750 kg GMV), motor cars, motor homes, or special cars with 3,500 to 16,000 tares (trailer up to 750 kg GMV) (Code 10).10
C14Heavy motor vehiclesBuses above 16,000 GMV (Code 10).10
CHeavy motor vehiclesGoods vehicles and buses above 16,000 GMV (trailer up to 750 kg GMV), motor cars, motor homes, or special cars above 16,000 tares (trailer up to 750 kg GMV) (Code 11).11
EBCombinations of vehiclesArticulated vehicle up to 3,500 GCM, rigid vehicle up to 3,500 GMV (trailer up to 750 kg GMV) (Code 8).8
EC1Combinations of vehiclesArticulated vehicle up to 16,000 GCM, rigid vehicle with 3,500 to 16,000 GMV (trailer above 750 kg GMV) (Code 09, 10).09, 10
ECCombinations of vehiclesArticulated vehicle above 16,000 GCM, rigid vehicle above 16,000 GMV (trailer above 750 kg GMV) (Code 11, 13, and 14).11, 13, 14

License for Automatic Cars

There is no specific automatic license code in South Africa. Passing a manual vehicle driving test allows driving both manual and automatic vehicles. Failing the manual car test results in an automatic vehicle restriction on the license, prohibiting driving manual vehicles.


Understanding South Africa’s driver’s license codes is crucial for safe and legal driving. The detailed breakdown of categories, subcategories, and age limits provides valuable information for individuals seeking clarity on driving license classifications.

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