AFRICAN VIEW: COVID-19 upsurge holds Africa’s destabilisers at bay


African Union (AU) flag

The voice of reason
JOHANNESBURG, (CAJ News) EXACTLY a year into its outbreak, the unprecedented eruption of the deadly novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has emerged a blessing in disguise to many resource-rich African countries suffering years of plunder by former colonial masters.

These imperialist forces have sown instability and fuelled poverty through sponsorship of opposition parties (to serve as their puppets) and financing rebel groups.

Admittedly, the outbreak of COVID-19 has been tragic as millions of people have died across the world and more hospitalised or in self-isolation.

However, the African continent is breathing some fresh air as the global superpowers with a tendency of meddling in external affair have been distracted from the above-mentioned activities meant to destabilize Africa.

COVID-19 has sidetracked them.

These superpowers’ abusive budgets, which used to be channeled to the coffers of rebel groups, foreign-handled oppositions and proxy non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working on behalf of the former colonisers have run dry.

The influential countries have been forced to cut-off such aid as their economies take a battering and that luxury of throwing cash into disruptors to do their work in Africa is no longer there.

This is now seen as waste of money and is no longer a priority. The prevailing economic situation as a result of the pandemic does not allow unnecessary terrorism sponsorship.

Such funds are better utilized strengthening the superpowers’ health systems to tackle the scourge not bankrolling rebels and foreign-handled opposition to incite regime change.

It is now a matter of life and death to many Western countries as their economies were grossly shaken.

The United States of America (USA) offers proof that the COVID-19 outbreak did not only change economic dominance of Western powers but also caused a shift in the political landscape.

The US now incurs a whopping national debt of $21 trillion, which exceeds the size of its economy.

A similar trend is noted in Britain, Canada, France, Italy, Germany and several other Western nations.

Is it a coincidence or fate that the US and former colonisers that sponsor terrorism in Africa and elsewhere across the world are the hardest hit by the COVID-19?

Conversely, Africa is the least infected by the pandemic despite developed nations predicting the continent would lose many lives.

Thanks to the king of the universe, who is the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, who watched over His children in the African continent despite being looked down upon.

In the midst of COVID-19 pandemic, we therefore call upon the leaders in the continent to speedily form the long-overdue United African States (UAS).

While we know a few African countries are full of sellouts and infiltrators, the long-held dream by former leaders Muammar Gaddafi (Libya), Robert Mugabe (Zimbabwe), Kwame Nkrumah (Ghana), Julius Nyerere (Tanzania), among others will be a game-changer for the continent.

To revive the dream, Africa must dump the use of foreign currencies such as British Pound, Euros, Francs and the United States of America (US Dollar) to pursue own new African currency.

I would suggest the continental currency be called “ivhu”, which literally means soil or land. This is all-encompassing as the entire Africa boasts riches on their land.

Discard the colonial boundaries and urgently become one very powerful country.

Also scrap out the usage of different flag, and instead adopt a single new flag.

Ditch all these national anthems and come up with a single continental one.

Abandon usage of foreign languages as so-called official languages at our schools, business or government meetings.

Instead, let us all use KiSwahili right from Cape to Cairo.

I’m suggesting KiSwahili because it is widely spoken by at least eight countries in the continent.

The ball is now in the political corridors of the African continent.

It is high time African leaders seized the glorious opportunity the COVID-19 pandemic has presented them.

It is doable, go for it!

– CAJ News




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